Data Structures and Algorithmics

Welcome to Data Structures and Algorithmics (aka EDA)!

I’m Ilario Bonacina and if you are a student of the group T40 then I’m one of your instructors for this semester. This is the webpage I’ll use as a support for the EDA theory classes for the group T40.

All the announcements will be done through the racó.

Upcoming (theory) class

The person in charge of the whole course is Albert Oliveras Llunell (email). For administrative questions (or any question on the EDA Game) please ask him directly.

My email for this course is The last possible day to ask questions is 6 days before the partial/final/lab exam.

The person in charge of the Problem/Lab groups P41/L41 is Salvator Roura (email). The person in charge of the Problem/Lab groups P42/L42 is Elisabeth Burjons (email). The person in charge of the Lab group L43 is Daniel Benedí (email). You can also email them directly for questions more related to the problems/lab classes.

Theory (“T”) classes are on Mondays and Problems/Lab classes (“P”/“L”) are on Wednesdays (unless stated otherwise).

Week 1
T1 — Analysis of Algorithms
L1 — The C++ Standard Library

Week 2
T2 — Analysis of Algorithms
P1 — Analysis of Algorithms

Week 3
T3 — Divide and Conquer
P2 — Analysis of Algorithms

Week 4
T4 — Divide and Conquer
P3 — Divide and Conquer

Week 5
T5 — Dictionaries
L2 — Divide and Conquer

Week 6
T6 — Dictionaries + Priority queues
P4 — Dictionaries

Week 7
T7 — Graphs
P5 — Priority queues

Week 8
T8 — Graphs
Partial Exam (April 3, 18:00 — 20:00)

“Week” 9
L3 — Graphs (April 9)
L4 — Graphs (April 23)
EDA Game (April 24, see EDA Curs 2024/2025 Q2 on for the statement)

Week 10
T9 — Exhaustive search and generation
P6 — Graphs

Week 11
T10 — Exhaustive search and generation
L5 — Exhaustive search and generation

Week 12
T11 — Notions of intractability
Competència Transversal (May 12, see racó for the statement)
L6 — Exhaustive search and generation

Week 13
T12 — Notions of intractability
P7 — Notions of intractability

Week 14
T13 — Notions of intractability
P8 — Notions of intractability

Week 15
Final Exam (June 4, 15:00 — 18:00)
Lab Exam (June 13, 08:30 — 11:00)

NPP = written mid-semester exam grade (0 to 10)
NO = computer-based lab exam grade (0 to 10)
NF = final exam grade (0 to 10)
NJ = game grade (0 to 10)

\begin{align*} \text{GRADE}=\min\{10,\ \max\{&22.5\%NPP + 22.5\%NF + 45\%NO + 20\%NJ,\\ & 45\%NF + 45\%NO + 20\%NJ\}\} \end{align*} (source: the EDA Official syllabus)