Two coins of each kind (1)
Given a natural number x and n different coin values c_1 \dots c_n, compute in how many ways it is possible to achieve change x by using each value at most twice. Here, two coins with the same value are considered different.
For example, if x = 4 and the available values are 1 and 2, then there are three ways to achieve it: 1 + 1^′ + 2, 1 + 1^′ + 2^′, and also 2 + 2^′.
Input: Input consists of several cases. Every case begins with x and n, followed by c_1 \dots c_n.
Assume 1 \leq n \leq 20, 1 \leq c_i \leq x \leq 1000, and that all c_i are different.
Output: For every case print, in lexicographic order, all possible ways to exactly achieve change x by using each value at most twice. Print every solution with its values sorted from small to big. In doing that, assume 1 < 1^′ < 2 < 2^′ < \cdots. Use 1p
to print 1^′, etcetera. Print a line with 10 dashes -
at the end of every case.
A simply pruned backtracking should be enough.
Use the usual strategy for backtracking.
To write the solutions in lexicographical order, one option would be to sort the coins…
// Two coins of each kind (1)
using namespace std;
using VI = vector<int>;
int x, n;
VI coins
void write (const vector<bool> & v){
<< x << " = ";
cout bool first = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i){
if (v[i] != 0){
if (first) first = false;
else cout << " + ";
<< coins[i];
cout if (i%2 == 1) cout << 'p';
<< endl;
cout }
void backtrack(vector<bool>& sol, int k, int part_sum){
int n = sol.size();
if (part_sum > x) return;
if (k == n){
if (x == part_sum) write(sol);
[k] = true;
sol(sol, k+1, part_sum + coins[k]);
backtrack[k] = false;
sol(sol, k+1, part_sum);
int main(){
while (cin >> x >> n){
= VI(2*n);
coins for (int i = 0; i < 2*n; i +=2){
>> coins[i];
cin [i+1] = coins[i];
sort<bool> sol(2*n, false);
vector(sol, 0, 0);
backtrack<< "----------" << endl;
cout }