Growth orders
Exercises 1.8 and 1.9
Sort the following functions in increasing order of asymptotic growth. If two functions have the same asymptotic growth, point it out.
5n \ln n
\log_\pi (n^n )
\frac{n}{\log_2 n}
\frac{n}{\ln n}
3 \ln(7^n)
You might want to refresh how to compute limits and properties of the logarithms.
Classify the functions below in such a way that f(n) and g(n) belong to the same class if and only if f(n) = \Theta(g(n)), and enumerate the classes according to their growth order:
n \log n
n \log \log n
(\log \log n)^2
n \log^2 n
n^{\log n}
2^{\sqrt{\log n}}
n^2\log n
You might want to refresh how to compute limits and properties of the logarithms.
Once you solved the exercises above you might want to double check the correctness of your answers using a Compuer Algebra System.
You could use the box below to perform symbolic calculations in SageMath and use them to double-check the correctness of your calculations. If you click on the “Evaluate” button this will tell you something on the respective asymptotic growth of the functions \log(x) and \sqrt{x}. Which one grows faster?
Use the box above with different functions for f and g. A minimal explanantion of the syntax is here.
Do not use n as the name of your variable, since this would tell SageMath to treat it as an integer. In our context, this would only create problems. Use x instead.